Saturday, August 23, 2008

Marinated Tofu and Summer Vegetables with Rosemary

(I almost didn't post this recipe because my photos made it look sort of grotesque. You'll have to trust me when I say we all found it delicious! The HB Baker suggests that you might want to grill the tofu and veggies; he chose the quick and easy frying route instead.)

1 package firm tofu
wheat-free tamari (or Bragg's)

Drain tofu, then slice into small slabs. Place flat in a single layer on pan and shake tamari to coat (flip and coat other side, too). Refrigerate and marinate for several hours, flipping once or twice. Sprinkle on more tamari if all is absorbed.

Heat skillet and coat with oil. Fry tofu pieces, turning them when crisp and brown. Drain on paper towel and set aside.

Chop the following:

1 onion
1/2 red pepper
1 yellow summer squash

Combine and fry until soft. Add a few shakes of tamari and some fresh rosemary (needles stripped from two six-inch stems and chopped fine).

Place tofu on a platter and cover with the veggies.

(We enjoyed ours with fresh sweet corn and potato salad -- see below.)

1 comment:

Matt said...

Wow. That looks and sounds scrumptious!